Larry At Notting Hill Carnival
Every year since 1964 Larry’s old neighbourhood, Notting Hill, hosts the biggest and best street party in the world and this year Larry was there with us…Every year boards are put up to protect the shops and houses of the area. Street artists take this opportunity to get creative and provide an incredible, colourful backdrop to the most vibrant street party around. Hundreds of artists, putting their voice out there.Millions of people turn up to Carnival over the Bank Holiday and if you were outside the infamous sound system from ‘Gaz’s Rocking Blues’ on Talbot Road you may have seen this Jimi Hendrix artwork -
An incredible tribute to Larry Smart’s Hendrix – Fire!
Our very own Meike Brunkhorst, was taking in the sites of Carnival before the crowds arrived which meant she could get this fantastic shot of the work. It’s so exciting to see Larry’s work re-created in this way. So, thank you Eva Tate, thanks to you, a bit of Larry got to enjoy the best party in the world.Peace and Love